List of TDL Fucntions

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by admin, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Sl.  Name of TDL Function
    1    Abs
    2    AccountName
    3    ActualPaidFor
    4    AddlColumnValue
    5    Alias
    6    AllocBillsTotal
    7    AllocCCCrTotal
    8    AllocCCDrTotal
    9    AllocCCGrpCrTotal
    10    AllocCCGrpDrTotal
    11    AllocCCGrpOwner
    12    AllocCCLedCrTotal
    13    AllocCCLedDrTotal
    14    AllocCostCentreCrTotal
    15    AllocCostCentreDrTotal
    16    AllocCostCentreOwner
    17    AllocCostCentreValue
    18    AllocHasCostCentre
    19    AllocIndentQty
    20    AllocOrderQty
    21    AllocTaxBillsTotal
    22    AllocTrackQty
    23    AllocTrackValue
    24    Allow
    25    AltBase
    26    AltTable
    27    AmountAdd
    28    AmountSubtract
    29    AsAmount
    30    AsCrAmt
    31    AsDrAmt
    32    AsInQty
    33    AsOutQty
    34    AsPositive
    35    AsQty
    36    AsRate
    37    AsReqObj
    38    AsSignedQty
    39    AttdFor
    40    BalanceLines
    41    BalanceSiblings
    42    BankersDate
    43    BaseOwner
    44    BaseValue
    45    BatchesExist
    46    BillExists
    47    BillObject
    48    BillValue
    49    BlankSiblings
    50    BudgetValue
    51    BuySpecRate
    52    BuyTransRate
    53    CanCancel
    54    CanDelete
    55    CanDivide
    56    CashAccountName
    57    CCAQtyClosing
    58    CCAQtyCredits
    59    CCAQtyDebits
    60    CCAQtyOpening
    61    CCBQtyClosing
    62    CCBQtyCredits
    63    CCBQtyDebits
    64    CCBQtyOpening
    65    CCClosing
    66    CCCredits
    67    CCDebits
    68    CCGLClosing
    69    CCGLCredits
    70    CCGLDebits
    71    CCGLOpening
    72    CCGSAQtyClosing
    73    CCGSAQtyCredits
    74    CCGSAQtyDebits
    75    CCGSAQtyOpening
    76    CCGSBQtyClosing
    77    CCGSBQtyCredits
    78    CCGSBQtyDebits
    79    CCGSBQtyOpening
    80    CCOpening
    81    Cheque
    82    ChequePrintable
    83    ClassLogicalValue
    84    CmpExistsOnDisk
    85    CmpUserLevel
    86    CmpUserName
    87    CNoteAsInvoice
    88    CollAmtTotal
    89    CollectionField
    90    CollNumTotal
    91    CollQtyTotal
    92    Column
    93    ColumnValue
    94    CommaList
    95    CompanyBaseCurrency
    96    CompanyValue
    97    CopyFrom
    98    CopyNo
    99    CostCategoriesExist
    100    Currency
    101    CurrentCompany
    102    CurrentDate
    103    CurrentPath
    104    CurrentPeriodFrom
    105    CurrentPeriodTo
    106    CurrentSimpleCompany
    107    CurrentValue
    108    Date
    109    DateFrom
    110    DateTo
    111    DayOfDate
    112    DayOfWeek
    113    DCNotesExist
    114    DescName
    115    DirectAllVch
    116    DirectCancVch
    117    DirectTotalVch
    118    DisableDashboardButton
    119    DLLValue
    120    DNoteAsInvoice
    121    DoExplosionsFit
    122    DoLikeExplosionsFit
    123    DueDateByDate
    124    DueDateInDays
    125    EditData
    126    Evaluate
    127    ExactMatch
    128    ExciseExists
    129    ExecVar
    130    ExplicitAllow
    131    ExplodeLevel
    132    ExplodeOwner
    133    ExtractGrpCrValue
    134    ExtractGrpDrValue
    135    ExtractGrpValue
    136    ExtractItemCrValue
    137    ExtractItemDrValue
    138    ExtractItemInQty
    139    ExtractItemOutQty
    140    ExtractLedCrValue
    141    ExtractLedDrValue
    142    ExtractLedValue
    143    ExtractStkGrpCrValue
    144    ExtractStkGrpDrValue
    145    ExtractStkGrpInQty
    146    ExtractStkGrpOutQty
    147    FBTAddlCess
    148    FBTAddlSurchargeRate
    149    FBTCategoryRate
    150    FBTRate
    151    FBTSurchargeRate
    152    FieldVar
    153    FilterAmtTotal
    154    FilterAssessableAmt
    155    FilterCount
    156    FilterNumTotal
    157    FilterQtyTotal
    158    FilterValue
    159    FilterVATTaxAmt
    160    FinYearBeg
    161    FinYearEnd
    162    FirstContraAcc
    163    FirstContraInv
    164    FirstLineNumber
    165    FirstPartyName
    166    ForexValue
    167    FromValue
    168    FullList
    169    FullMonthName
    170    GetDiscountFromLevel
    171    GetPriceFromLevel
    172    GetPricePrevDate
    173    GodownGroupValue
    174    GodownItemValue
    175    GodownsExist
    176    GrossPayFor
    177    GroupAdvances
    178    GroupBank
    179    GroupBankOD
    180    GroupBranches
    181    GroupCapital
    182    GroupCash
    183    GroupCurrentAssets
    184    GroupCurrentLiab
    185    GroupDeposits
    186    GroupDirectExpenses
    187    GroupDirectIncomes
    188    GroupDuties
    189    GroupFixedAssets
    190    GroupIndirectExpenses
    191    GroupIndirectIncomes
    192    GroupInvestments
    193    GroupLoansLiab
    194    GroupMiscExp
    195    GroupProvisions
    196    GroupPurchase
    197    GroupReserves
    198    GroupSales
    199    GroupSecuredLoans
    200    GroupStock
    201    GroupSundryCreditors
    202    GroupSundryDebtors
    203    GroupSuspense
    204    GroupUnsecuredLoans
    205    GrpAllowedInClass
    206    GrpPurcQty
    207    GrpPurcValue
    208    GrpSaleQty
    209    GrpSaleValue
    210    HasAllocCombo
    211    HasAllocGrpCombo
    212    HasCommonUnit
    213    HasReqFile         
    214    HasTCPs
    215    HasVouchers
    216    HighValue
    217    HiLoClDate
    218    HiLoClQty
    219    HiLoClVal
    220    HiLoCrDate
    221    HiLoCrQty
    222    HiLoCrVal
    223    HiLoDrDate
    224    HiLoDrQty
    225    HiLoDrVal
    226    IfCr
    227    IfDr
    228    IfInwards
    229    IfOutwards
    230    InAcceptMode
    231    InAlterMode
    232    InApendMode
    233    InAscentMode
    234    InAutoRefreshMode
    235    InCreateMode
    236    InDebugMode
    237    InDigits
    238    InDisplayMode
    239    InDMPMode
    240    InDraftMode
    241    InDuplicateMode
    242    InDynamicAlterMode
    243    InEditMode
    244    InExecuteMode
    245    InExportAction
    246    InExportMode
    247    InInsertMode
    248    InMailAction
    249    InPixelMode
    250    InPrintAction
    251    InPrintMode
    252    InTrueColorMode
    253    InUploadAction
    254    InWords
    255    IsAccountingOn
    256    IsActuals
    257    IsActualsVar
    258    IsAddonSelected
    259    IsAllBillWiseOn
    260    IsAscentGUI
    261    IsAttdTypeValid
    262    IsAttendance
    263    IsAttendanceType
    264    IsAudited
    265    IsAuditModified
    266    IsBaseCurrency
    267    IsBatch
    268    IsBatchWiseOn
    269    IsBelongsTo
    270    IsBelongsToCategory
    271    IsBetaRelease
    272    IsBill
    273    IsBillWiseOn
    274    IsBudget
    275    IsBudgetReport
    276    IsBudgetsOn
    277    IsCalculatorShown
    278    IsCapsuleLoaded
    279    IsCashLedger
    280    IsChildOf
    281    IsChildOfCategory
    282    IsChqPrintingOn
    283    IsClassOf
    284    IsCmpBaseCurrency
    285    IsCmpOwner
    286    IsCommon
    287    IsCompany
    288    IsCompositeDealer
    289    IsContra
    290    IsCostCategory
    291    IsCostCategoryOn
    292    IsCostCentre
    293    IsCostCentresOn
    294    IsCreditNote
    295    IsCurrency
    296    IsCurrent
    297    IsCurrentVar
    298    IsDashBoardShown
    299    IsDCNoteOn
    300    IsDebit
    301    IsDebitNote
    302    IsDeducteeType
    303    IsDefault
    304    IsDefaultVar
    305    IsDelNote
    306    IsDiscountsOn
    307    IsDr
    308    IsDuplicate
    309    IsDuplicateNumber
    310    IsEdited
    311    IsEmpty
    312    IsEmptyCollection
    313    IsEmptyObject
    314    IsEnd
    315    IsEndOfList
    316    IsEqual
    317    IsEven
    318    IsExcise
    319    IsExciseOn
    320    IsExciseReportsOn
    321    IsExciseTraderOn
    322    IsExploded
    323    IsExportable
    324    IsFBTAType
    325    IsFBTCategory
    326    IsFBTOn
    327    IsFieldEdited
    328    IsFirstChildOnNextPage
    329    IsFirstInPart
    330    IsFirstObj
    331    IsGodown
    332    IsGold
    333    IsGroup
    334    IsGroupAdvances
    335    IsGroupBank
    336    IsGroupBankOD
    337    IsGroupBranches
    338    IsGroupCapital
    339    IsGroupCash
    340    IsGroupCurrentAssets
    341    IsGroupCurrentLiab
    342    IsGroupDeposits
    343    IsGroupDirectExpenses
    344    IsGroupDirectIncomes
    345    IsGroupDuties
    346    IsGroupFixedAssets
    347    IsGroupIndirectExpenses
    348    IsGroupIndirectIncomes
    349    IsGroupInvestments
    350    IsGroupLoansLiab
    351    IsGroupMiscExp
    352    IsGroupProvisions
    353    IsGroupPurchase
    354    IsGroupReserves
    355    IsGroupSales
    356    IsGroupSecuredLoans
    357    IsGroupStock
    358    IsGroupSundryCreditors
    359    IsGroupSundryDebtors
    360    IsGroupSuspense
    361    IsGroupUnsecuredLoans
    362    IsGrpOfGrp
    363    IsIndent
    364    IsIndentOn
    365    IsIndentVoucher
    366    IsIndian
    367    IsIntegrated
    368    IsInventoryOn
    369    IsInventoryVch
    370    IsInvoicingOn
    371    IsInwards
    372    IsJobCostingOn
    373    IsJournal
    374    IsLastObj
    375    IsLastOfSet
    376    IsLedger
    377    IsLedgerProfit
    378    IsLedOfGrp
    379    IsLicAdmin           
    380    IsLinkSrvrConnected
    381    IsLockConverter     
    382    IsLogoShown
    383    IsMainWinShown
    384    IsMemo
    385    IsMstNameDuplicate
    386    IsMultiCurrencyOn
    387    IsMultiGodownOn
    388    IsMultiPagePrintJob
    389    IsMultiPartPrintJob
    390    IsNegative
    391    IsNegSDF
    392    IsNextSibling
    393    IsNotApplicable
    394    IsOdd
    395    IsOrder
    396    IsOverRun
    397    IsOwner
    398    IsPayment
    399    IsPayroll
    400    IsPayrollOn
    401    IsPeriod
    402    IsPerishableOn
    403    IsPhoneConnected
    404    IsPhysStock
    405    IsPrimaryCompany
    406    IsPurchase
    407    IsPurcOrder
    408    IsPurcOrdersOn
    409    IsRcptNote
    410    IsReceipt
    411    IsRejectionOn
    412    IsRejIn
    413    IsRejOut
    414    IsRemindersOn
    415    IsRepeatVar
    416    IsRevJrnl
    417    IsRevJrnlOn
    418    IsSales
    419    IsSalesOrder
    420    IsSalesOrdersOn
    421    IsServiceTaxOn
    422    IsSetByDate
    423    IsSiblingExploded
    424    IsSilver
    425    IsSimpleCompany
    426    IsStartupValue
    427    IsState
    428    IsStatusBarShown
    429    IsStCategory
    430    IsStockCategory
    431    IsStockCategoryOn
    432    IsStockGroup
    433    IsStockItem
    434    IsStockJrnl
    435    IsStockLedger
    436    IsSysName
    437    IsSysNameEqual
    438    IsSysNameVar
    439    IsTallyClient
    440    IsTallyServer
    441    IsTCSOn
    442    IsTDASCompany
    443    IsTDLObject
    444    IsTDLSysNameEqual
    445    IsTDSOn
    446    IsTDSRate
    447    IsTrack
    448    IsTrackingOn
    449    IsUnderRun
    450    IsUnicode
    451    IsUnicodeSupported
    452    IsUnit
    453    IsValidPriceLevel
    454    IsVatClassification
    455    IsVchTypeOfFamily
    456    IsVoucher
    457    IsVoucherType
    458    IsWindows
    459    ItemBatchesExist
    460    ItemSerial
    461    KeyExplode
    462    LanguageName
    463    LanguageSysValue
    464    LanguageTDLSysValue
    465    LastLineNumber
    466    LedgerProfit
    467    LedPurcCost
    468    LedPurcPrice
    469    LedPurcQty
    470    LedPurcValue
    471    LedSalePrice
    472    LedSaleQty
    473    LedSaleValue
    474    LicClientMode       
    475    LicMode             
    476    Line
    477    LineNumber
    478    LocaleString     
    479    LowValue
    480    MachineDate
    481    MachineTime
    482    MakeExportName
    483    MakeFTPName
    484    MakeHTTPName
    485    MakeMAILName
    486    MakeUniqueID
    487    Max
    488    Min
    489    MODAccGroups
    490    MODAddlAccReports
    491    MODAddlInvReports
    492    MODAdvAccounts
    493    MODAdvInventory
    494    MODBillOfMaterials
    495    MODBudgets
    496    MODConcurrentCompany
    497    MODCostCentres
    498    MODExtendedTDL
    499    MODImportExport
    500    MODInterestCalc
    501    MODInvGroups
    502    MODLinkClient
    503    MODLinkServer
    504    MODMaterialReqt
    505    MODMultiCurrency
    506    MODMultiLocation
    507    MODMultiUser
    508    MODODBC
    509    MODOrderProcessing
    510    MODPalmSupport
    511    MODPayroll
    512    MODPOS
    513    MODScenarios
    514    MODSecurity
    515    MODTallyAnywhere
    516    MODTallyClient
    517    MODTallyServer
    518    MODTSPL
    519    MODUserVoucherTypes
    520    MODWebSupport
    521    MonthEnd
    522    MonthOfDate
    523    MonthStart
    524    Name
    525    Negative
    526    NettAmount
    527    NettQty
    528    NewLine
    529    NextMonth
    530    NextObj
    531    NextYear
    532    NumAttdTypes
    533    NumAttendance
    534    Number
    535    NumBudgets
    536    NumChildren
    537    NumClientRules
    538    NumContra
    539    NumCostCategories
    540    NumCostCentres
    541    NumCreditNote
    542    NumCurrencies
    543    NumDebitNote
    544    NumDeducteeTypes
    545    NumDelNote
    546    NumDUNs
    547    NumEmployeeGroups
    548    NumEmployees
    549    NumExplosions
    550    NumFBTATypes
    551    NumFBTCategory
    552    NumFilledItems
    553    NumFixedClientRules
    554    NumGodowns
    555    NumGroups
    556    NumIndent
    557    NumItems
    558    NumJournal
    559    NumLedgers
    560    NumMemo
    561    NumOfMonths         
    562    NumOfVchType
    563    NumPayheads
    564    NumPayment
    565    NumPayroll
    566    NumPhysStock
    567    NumPriceLevels
    568    NumPurchase
    569    NumPurcOrder
    570    NumPurcQuot
    571    NumRcptNote
    572    NumReceipt
    573    NumRejIn
    574    NumRejOut
    575    NumRevJrnl
    576    NumSales
    577    NumSalesOrder
    578    NumSalesQuot
    579    NumScenarios
    580    NumServerRules
    581    NumSets
    582    NumStates
    583    NumStCategories
    584    NumStockCategories
    585    NumStockGroups
    586    NumStockItems
    587    NumStockJrnl
    588    NumTCSRates
    589    NumTDSRates
    590    NumUnits
    591    NumValue
    592    NumVatClassifications
    593    NumVchTypes
    594    ODBCName
    595    OnAccountTotal
    596    OriginalNo
    597    OrigVchEmpAttdTotal
    598    OrigVchGrpCrTotal
    599    OrigVchGrpDrTotal
    600    OrigVchGrpTotal
    601    OrigVchLedCrTotal
    602    OrigVchLedCstCrTotal
    603    OrigVchLedCstDrTotal
    604    OrigVchLedCstTotal
    605    OrigVchLedDrTotal
    606    OrigVchLedTotal
    607    Owner
    608    PageNo
    609    PageRangeOk
    610    PaidFor
    611    PaidForCr
    612    PaidForDr
    613    PaperSizeInInches
    614    PaperSizeInLines
    615    PaperSizeInMM
    616    PaperType
    617    ParentFieldVar
    618    ParentIsMenu
    619    ParentPeriodFrom
    620    PartNo
    621    PartNumber
    622    PayFor
    623    PayheadComputeAsString
    624    PayType
    625    PeriodDateFrom
    626    PeriodDateTo
    627    PeriodStart
    628    PhysInDiff
    629    PhysInValDiff
    630    PhysOutDiff
    631    PhysOutValDiff
    632    PNAlias
    633    PortName
    634    PrevContra
    635    PrevCstCtr
    636    PrevFld
    637    PrevFldTotal
    638    PrevGodown
    639    PrevLedger
    640    PrevLine
    641    PrevLineField
    642    PrevLineVisible
    643    PrevMonth
    644    PrevNumber
    645    PrevObj
    646    PrevStkItem
    647    PrevTotal
    648    PrevYear
    649    PrimaryCostCategory
    650    PrintBottomClip
    651    PrintDate
    652    PrintersExist
    653    PrintLeftClip
    654    PrintRightClip
    655    PrintSizeInInches
    656    PrintSizeInMM
    657    PrintTime
    658    PrintTopClip
    659    ProtectionFound     
    660    PurcAsInvoice
    661    QS
    662    QtySubtract
    663    RateXValue
    664    RegenNotAllowed
    665    RejNotesExist
    666    ReportObject
    667    ReptField
    668    ReqObject
    669    ResidualRate
    670    ResidualValue
    671    RestoreListExists
    672    RevJrnlsExist
    673    Round
    674    RoundDown
    675    RoundUp
    676    ScaleValue
    677    ScenarioValue
    678    SecurityCheck1
    679    SecurityCheck2
    680    SecurityCheck3
    681    SelectedCmps
    682    SelectedNonTDASCmps
    683    SellSpecRate
    684    SellTransRate
    685    SerialNumber
    686    SetAutoColumns
    687    SetNo
    688    ShortMonthName
    689    SignedAmount
    690    Sprintf
    691    SQLValue
    692    STCatAbatmentNoFor
    693    STCatAbatPerFor
    694    STCatCessRateFor
    695    STCatRateFor
    696    STCatSecondaryCessRateFor
    697    StdSpecRate
    698    StdXchgRate
    699    StockAge
    700    StockAgeValue
    701    StrCase
    702    String
    703    StringChar       
    704    StringLen       
    705    StringLength
    706    StringPart       
    707    StringRemWord
    708    StringWord
    709    SubTotal
    710    SysName
    711    SystemPeriodFrom
    712    SystemPeriodTo
    713    Table
    714    TableObj
    715    TailUnits
    716    TaxBillExists
    717    TCSAddlCessFor
    718    TCSAddlSurchargeFor
    719    TCSSurchargeFor
    720    TDLSysName
    721    TDSAddlCessFor
    722    TDSAddlCessLiable
    723    TDSAddlSurchargeFor
    724    TDSCessLiable
    725    TDSRateFor
    726    TDSSurchargeFor
    727    TDSSurchargeLiable
    728    TDSTaxableAmount
    729    TDSTaxLiable
    730    Total
    731    ToValue
    732    Translate       
    733    TrimNeg
    734    Type
    735    UnitSymbol
    736    Upper
    737    ValType
    738    Value
    739    VchItemTotal
    740    VchLedTotal
    741    VchPayFor
    742    VchPurcCost
    743    VchPurcPrice
    744    VchPurcQty
    745    VchPurcValue
    746    VchRate
    747    VchSalePrice
    748    VchSaleQty
    749    VchSaleValue
    750    VchTotalQty
    751    VchTypeAttendance
    752    VchTypeContra
    753    VchTypeCreditNote
    754    VchTypeDebitNote
    755    VchTypeDelNote
    756    VchTypeIndent
    757    VchTypeJournal
    758    VchTypeMemo
    759    VchTypeMfgJrnl
    760    VchTypeOfFamily
    761    VchTypePayment
    762    VchTypePayroll
    763    VchTypePhysStock
    764    VchTypePurchase
    765    VchTypePurcOrder
    766    VchTypePurcQuot
    767    VchTypeRcptNote
    768    VchTypeReceipt
    769    VchTypeRejIn
    770    VchTypeRejOut
    771    VchTypeRevJrnl
    772    VchTypeSales
    773    VchTypeSalesOrder
    774    VchTypeSalesQuot
    775    VchTypeStockJrnl
    776    WeekEnd
    777    WithForexRate
    778    XMLAttr
    779    XMLCount
    780    XMLName
    781    XMLValue
    782    YearEnd
    783    YearOfDate
    784    ZeroFill

  2. Nur Mohammed

    Nur Mohammed Member

    please give specific details. when these functions are need to use and how to use.
    Ras Raj likes this.

  3. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    U will get the description for all these functions in Tally.Developer under Functions Tab

  4. Shamsher Singh

    Shamsher Singh New Member

    I want the Item Closing Balance Value which belongs to some Group. I am using $$GodownItemValue function, It gives the value for that particular godown. How i Get the value belonged godown also. e.g. My A1, A2 and A3 godown are part of Godown A. when i am using $$GodownItemValue function It display the value of A Godown not clubing the value of Godowns A1, A2, A3 and A. How to solve this?

  5. Maulik Patel

    Maulik Patel Active Member

    Dear Shamsher Singh,

    You can do this with the help of colleciont.
    1. Crate a collection with source collection "GodownGrpItemChildOfGodownNameAndGroupName"
    2. Filter with you Item Name
    3. Use $$CollQtyTotal function in your field.
    Ras Raj likes this.

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