when i use GST invoice like HSN details and rest GST details are on from F11 features and F12 features of inocie printing , it got vanished plz guide here is code [*Part: EXPINV Words] Lines : EXPINV WordTitle , EXPINV AmtInWords,prevbal,Billamt,Closingbal Space Bottom: 0.25 Option : WithVATValue : (@@IsSales OR @@IsPurchase) AND @@IsIndianVATVch AND @@InvVATAnalysis Option : WithExciseValue : @@IsSales AND @@IsIndian AND NOT $$IsEmpty:$ExciseRegn:Company:##SVCurrentCompany AND ##ICFGExcisePrinting Option : WithServiceTaxValue : (@@IsSales OR @@IsPurchase OR @@IsReceipt OR @@IsPayment OR @@IsPurcOrder OR @@IsSalesOrder OR @@IsDebitNote OR @@IsCreditNote) AND @@IsIndianServiceTax AND $$STXCanUpdateDutyLed [Part:lastbal] Linerevbal Line:Billamt Line:Closingbal1 [Linerevbal] Fieldsrevbalt,prevbald1 [Line:Billamt] Fields:Billamtt, Billamtd [Line:Closingbal] Field:Closingbalt,Closingbald [Fieldrevbalt] Info:"Prev.Balance" Width:10 [Fieldrevbald1] Use :Amount Field Set as$$ToValue:$Date:$ClosingBalance:Ledger:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:1:LedgerEntries)-$$abs:#EXPINVTOTAL [Field:Billamtt] Info:"Bill Amount" Width:10 [Field: Billamtd] Use:Amount Field Set as:#EXPINVTotal [Field:Closingbalt] Info:"Curr.Balance" Width:10 [Field:Closingbald] Use:Amount Field Info:$$ToValue:$Date:$ClosingBalance:Ledger:$$CollectionField:$LedgerName:1:LedgerEntries
Study this FORM....... [!Form: GST Comprehensive Invoice Default] Delete : Bottom Parts : EXPINV Totals, EXPINV SignOff, EXPINV Customer, EXPINV Jurisdiction, EXPINV InvoiceCompGen Add : Bottom Parts : EXPINV Totals, VCH GST Analysis, EXPINV SignOff, EXPINV Customer, EXPINV Jurisdiction, EXPINV InvoiceCompGen Local : Part : EXPINV Words : Invisible : @@InvGSTAnalysis AND $$ListCount:lvGSTAnalysisDetails > 0 AND ##vItemAnalysisCount <= 5 And what is ...... @@InvGSTAnalysis --- InvGSTAnalysis : If @@IsPurchase OR @@IsDebitNote Then ##PUGSTAnalysis Else + If @@IsSales OR @@IsCreditNote OR @@IsDelNote OR @@IsReceipt OR @@IsPayment Then ##SAGSTAnalysis Else No It means when GST Analysis is set to YES, then it will become invisible......... So...study the FORM -- GST Comprehensive Invoice, find the proper placement and add your fields. Happy hunting.