;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cheers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -> Search GSTIN of Taxpayer -> Can Search GSTIN of Parties in Tally -> Doesn't validate GSTIN Only Find and Fetch the Details -> A bit time-consuming task as the underlying process is web scrapping(Scraps details of GSTIN from web sites) -> Option to Reload Data from Tally (In order to switch between companies) -> Required .Net Framework 4.5 in order to run this application -> While using Tally Data make sure tally is opened with the active company and also running on port 9000(F11->Advanced Configuration) **Get Started** -> Download GSTIN Finder.rar from below link https://github.com/tejavarma-aln/GSTIN-Finder/blob/master/GSTIN Finder.rar -> Extract all files from GSTIN Finder.rar -> Run GSTIN Finder.exe and Start searching GSTIN's For More Details Watch this Video Project Link: https://github.com/tejavarma-aln/GSTIN-Finder
Very Nice thanks but Mr. Teja Verma This tool would have been even better if you had made it based on the display report with Tdl Level.
Yes but finding GSTIN details is time-consuming task (based on internet speed and processing power of CPU) if I implemented in tally it will block the UI and becomes unresponsive until the process is completed also there are some refresh issues I faced while implementing in tally so that's why I decided to make it as standalone application
it designed as a separate application if you want to integrate with the tally you can mimic the same functionality in a dll then call the dll from tally (COM Interface) but dll is not recommended as Tally UI will become unresponsive sometimes terminated until the process(web Scrapping) is finished