attach tdl is working fine but on bank reconciliation screen entry not showing Please solve this issue
I Want to get the date by condition like this if $fileperiod CONTAINS "Jan" then 11-2-currentyear else if $fileperiod CONTAINS "Apr" then...
[#Menu: Gateway of Tally] Add:Key Item : Item Avaibility : T : Display Collection : My Stock Query : NOT $$IsEmpty:$$SelectedCmps [Collection: My...
Dear Experts, I have noticed that Remove Line,Restore Line,Select All,Restore All not Working in Customized Report in Tally Prime Its working only...
i tried to decrease the width of voucher number but cannot do it. i checked tally.developer and got this declared value. still could not get it...
Hi Experts I like to create Last Transaction History Report on Purchase & Sales Voucher Creation Screen Please Guide [Field :...
i tried hard but cannot bring to that position. please help me experts[ATTACH]
I like to deactivate some seasonal stock as they are discontinued they are not in use i write following code What will be The System formula to...
Dear Experts, I want to export selected ledgers or stock Items and which want import to another company. Please help how to do this. (like copy...
Dear Developers every time I open Tally all the configaration setting of F12 gose to default for Sales , Purchase , Stock Item etc I Unloaded...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Dear Developers , Please Suggest the code and alignment for the folloing screens
Dear Developers how to increase the width of vch Type field in Day Book [ATTACH]
I found this code somewhere on net it shows the todays toal Purchase without GST what is the formula for with GSt Purchase Amount [#Line: EI...
Dear Expert's, Can we adjust the Pending Bill's, as Party Group selection . If you have any Trick , Kindly advice . Ex . If We select the Party...
Dear developers, I want to fetch price from pricelist instead of Last sale price. How can i do that? please check my code. [#Collection: List of...
Dear developers, In my report I want a button to show all items including zero balance like in stock summary>F12>Show All Items(incl. zero...
[#Line: EI ColumnOne] Option : SKR EI ColumnOne : @@IsSales [!Line : SKR EI ColumnOne] Add : Right Fields : Before : VCH QtyTitle : SKR col1...
Dear Developers, How Can i print QR Code in my simple format invoice? I have attached an image where i want to print my QR code. Please check my...
Dear Developers, I have added a column in sales register to see sale bill wise received amount. I want this column to fetch received amount...
Dear Developers, I want to add the Additional ledger details in Payment & Contra voucher.. currently it is only available in Sale & Purchase.. How...
Separate names with a comma.