Retrieving Value from Ledger in MultiAddress List

Discussion in 'Requests' started by hprahul, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. hprahul

    hprahul Member

    Hello All,

    I wish to retrieve Value from Ledger in Multiaddress List and display same (on sales invoice) but something is wrong in the formula and I am unable to find same.

    Set as: $(Ledger, #EIBuyer).LedMultiAddressList[1,($AddressName = #EIBuyerAddressType)].PhoneNumber + ", " + $(Ledger, #EIBuyer).LedMultiAddressList[1,($AddressName = #EIBuyerAddressType)].MobileNumber
    Please help

  2. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Formula might be correct...but will not work if used in a different environment.

    As per your above formula...u r referring to #EIBuyer and #EIBuyerAddressType Fields..... but if you are using this formula in your own field and in a different report, it might not work, even if the formula is right.

    On the assumption, that you are using it in a Sales Invoice.......try to use........ SET AS : @@RequiredAddress

    [System : Formula]
    SameLedAddrType : $AddressName = #EIBuyerAddressType
    RequiredAddress : $(Ledger, $PartyLedgerName).LedMultiAddressList[1, @@SameLedAddrType].PhoneNumber + ", " + $(Ledger, $PartyLedgerName).LedMultiAddressList[1, @@SameLedAddrType].MobileNumber

    If above does not work... replace $PartyLedgerName with ##LedgerName

  3. hprahul

    hprahul Member


    Thanks, It worked like charm...

    I do have one more issue, and want same address (without typing again) in case ledger is cash. I wrote following function, but it only copies first line... (in all lines)

    [Function : FxRef]
        Variable    : vIsSales    : Logical
        Variable    : vNumber    : Number
        Variable    : vCountSource    : Number    : $$NumItems:BasicBuyerAddress
        Variable    : vCountTarget    : Number    : $$NumItems:Address
        100    : Set: vIsSales : @@IsSales
        110    : If : ($$IsCashLedger:$PartyLedgerName and ##vIsSales and Not $$IsObjectExists:Ledger:#EIBuyer)
        120    :    SET        : vNumber    : 1
        121    :     WHILE        : ##vCountSource >= ##vNumber
        123    :         IF    : ##vCountTarget >= ##vNumber
        124    :             SET TARGET        : Address[##vNumber].
        125    :         ELSE
        126    :             INSERT COLLECTION OBJECT: Address
        127    :         END IF
        128    :        SET VALUE    : Address    : $$CollectionField:#EIBuyerAddress:##vNumber:BasicBuyerAddress
        129    :         SET TARGET    : ..
        130    :         INCR        : vNumber
        131    :     END WHILE
        140    : END IF
    Please advice

    Thanks Again!

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