Last entered voucher Guid/ Remote id

Discussion in 'Tally Integration' started by winman, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. winman

    winman New Member

    while importing the data to the tally erp 9 using XML request if some error occurs after re sending the XML request it is recreating the vouchers which was created in last send .
    can anyone suggest how to retrieve the remote id/guid of the last entered voucher using XML request.
    Or Is there anyway to resend the data through XML request without recreating the voucher which is present.

  2. teja varma

    teja varma Active Member

    use this function to retrieve last created voucher id



    instead of creating a voucher make alter so if it was exist it will alter that one or create a new one


    in f12(configuration)->General configuration set YES for "Overwrite vouchers Instead of duplicating ,during import"
    so it will overwrite existing voucher instead of creating new!!!

  3. winman

    winman New Member

    I want to export last created voucher Guid /Remote Id from XML request not the last created voucher id.
    Is there any method to fetch Guid /Remote Id.

  4. teja varma

    teja varma Active Member

    but i have a generic way to get last created voucher guid
    try this:
                    <REPORT Name="GetLastEnterVchid">
                    <FORM Name="GetLastEnterVchid">
                    <PART Name="GetLastEnterVchid">
                    <LINE Name="GetLastEnterVchid">
                    <COLLECTION Name="HostAllVouchers">

    keep in mind that it will take time for tally to send response as it collection all the vouchers an to found the last voucher guid

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