Balancesheet Export in excel automatically

Discussion in 'Tally Integration' started by Raju Khatri, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Raju Khatri

    Raju Khatri New Member

    Hello Professionals

    I want to export balance sheet from tally to excel . Is there any possibility. i have taken the file already available in this portal, but its exporrtin in PDF. i want in excel.
    I modified the extensions where it was pdf to xlsx. but its not working.

    Guide me to do the same.

    here is the code:
    ;; Sri Ganeshji : Sri Balaji : Sri Pitreshwarji : Sri Durgaji : Sri Venkateshwara

    [System: Events]

    CmplExport: Load Company: True: Action: Call: PK LoadCmpFunc

    [Function: PK LoadCmpFunc]

    01: Action: Trigger Key: V
    02: Action: Trigger Key: Alt+9

    [#Form: Accounting Voucher]

    Add: Button: ExportExcel

    [Button: ExportExcel]

    Key: Alt+9
    Action: Call: PK Cmp Export

    [Function: PK Cmp Export]

    Local Formula: SysDate: $$SysInfo:SystemDate

    Variable: FileName: String

    00: SET: SVExportLocation: $(AppINIConfig, "AppINIConfig").ExportPath
    01: SET: SVOpenFileAfterExport: No
    10: SET: SVExportFormat: $$SysName:XLSX
    20: SET: FileName: ##SVCurrentCompany + "-" + $$String:mad:SysDate + ".XLSX"
    30: SET: SVPrintFileName: $$PKLastChar:##SVExportLocation:##FileName
    40: SET: SVPrintFileName: $$MakeExportName:##SVPrintFileName:##SVExportFormat
    50: EXPORT REPORT: BalanceSheet: TRUE
    70: Action: TriggerKey: Ctrl+Q
    80: Action: TriggerKey: Ctrl+Q

    [Function: PKLastChar]

    Parameter: pLocPath: String
    Parameter: pFileName: String
    Parameter: pLastChar: String: "\"

    Local Formula: StrLenDir: $$StringLength:##pLocPath
    Local Formula: LastChar: $$StringPart:##pLocPath:(@StrLenDir - 1):1

    Variable: ReturnStr: String

    00: IF: $$ExactMatch:mad:LastChar:##pLastChar
    10:SET: ReturnStr: ##pLocPath + ##pFileName
    20: ELSE:
    30:SET: ReturnStr: ##pLocPath + ##pLastChar + ##pFileName
    40: ENDIF
    50: RETURN: ##ReturnStr


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